The Art of Declarer Play - Contract Bridge Book
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The Art of Declarer Play – 2014 Book of the Year!

Published Date: 2013

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Winner of the 2014 Master Point Press International Bridge Press Association Book of the Year Award!

Anybody can make straightforward contracts.
THE ART OF DECLARER PLAY is about how to handle the rest.

If you already have a good grasp of declarer play technique, the blocking and unblocking plays, the eliminations and the squeezes, then this is the book for you. Bourke and Corfield begin where most of the other books finish, and reveal what goes on inside the mind of an expert, explaining how to anticipate the likely distribution, how to use logic and visualization, how to listen to the cards, and many other ways to make ‘impossible’ contracts.

By understanding the thought processes that lead to a successful strategy in the most challenging of contracts, you will be able to replicate them for yourself, and bid with the confidence that comes from expert-level declarer play.

If you want your card play to improve out of all recognition,
If you want to learn the secrets of expert-level technique,
If you are not afraid to challenge yourself,
Then read this book.

TimBourkeTIM BOURKE is one of bridge’s most prolific writers, having co-authored over twenty books. His writing partnerships have included the likes of Marty Bergen, David Silver, Marc Smith, David Bird and Hugh Kelsey. He is also a regular contributor to Australian Bridge and other magazines, and has won several national-level titles.
He lives in Canberra, Australia.
JustinCorfieldDr JUSTIN CORFIELD is a very well-known player on the tournament circuits of the British Isles, where he has won a number of national-level events. He regularly commentates on international matches on vugraph, and has written articles on many different aspects of the game.
He lives in Dublin, Ireland.

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